version v1.5
added cookies (only username)
bug fixes
 - fixed Cancel button

version v1.4
full error window is adding errors
added login and startup (-animation)
added working username
added working start button
added change title background
bug fixes
 - cleared css
 - fixed overlay
 - z-index fix

version v1.3
altered bluescreen multiplier text
altered background (apps) position
added toolbar with
 - start button
 - clock (fixed)
 - running instances (working on)
altered background (apps) icons
bug fixes
 - typo in code (Multiplier x Multiplayer)

version v1.2
altered computer window
altered wallpapers/backgrounds
added working BSOD
added working restart with multiplier
added change text color
bug fixes
 - this Github page hyper-link
 - fixed changeFontColor function
 - new upgrades functions

version v1.2-alpha
internet icon change
computer window size changed (from 500 to 700)
added working background change
slightly altered Computer Settings
slightly altered Error Prompt
bug fixes
 - easy nerf fix (need more testing)
 - window overlap fix
 - slightly more code organization
 - fixed number of Upgrades
 - altered cost of Upgrades

version v1.1
base prototype version completed
added Upgrades, basic Statistic Menu
added points multiplier without function
added working error pop-up
bug fixes
 - clicks per seconds fix
 - upgrade menu, fixed numbers and prices
 - small code bugs

from Github page